Saturday, January 18, 2025

My thoughts on 2025 World Economic Forum CyberSecurity Report

I used to love reading the myriad "state of security" reports from vendors. Many of them are very well written and fun to read and they definitely guide my security program.

However, in recent years it seems like they have increasingly been selling the company line. Not a bad thing, but less fun to read knowing the bent.

The World Economic Forum has been publishing a report for a number of years now and while it is high level it's still useful. It also has the advantages of being aimed at global organizations and at governments as well as corporations. The 2025 report was published January 17, 2025.

A key quote from the paper:

... this year’s report shines a light on the increasing complexity of the cyber landscape, which has profound and far-reaching implications for organizations and nations.

Some highlights for me:

  • The report mentions supply chain problems without being alarmist.
  • The report highlights complexity of the landscape while emphasizing a strategy of resilience. This aligns well with my personal philosophy.
  • The report mentions that AI is being used in social engineering and phishing attack campaigns.
  • They are careful to note that AI is double edged and most organizations are struggling to get a handle on their use of AI.
Generally, this report is well worth reading, kudos to WEF for another good report.

P.S. Please look for a new upcoming series on Security First Principles. I am outlining and writing some posts now to convey my first principles and strategies.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Thoughts on Log4Shell

Details on the vulnerability itself:

Log4j Is ubiquitous in just about any Java app. Jira, ElasticSearch, Minecraft, tons of cloud infrastructure.
The vulnerability is triggered when an attacker sends a malicious string to the java server. This initial vector could be any protocol but will usually include the string jndi:, often ${jndi:ldap:// . NOTE: there are many ways to evade this and so it's hard to detect reliably across all the variants and protocols. e.g. ${jn${lower:d}${env:FOOBAR:-i}:ldap:
The Log4j package realizes that it should log that string and  helpfully formats that special string. Unfortunately, the formatting stack has built-in ways to invoke remote connections and ultimately download .class compiled java code to execute. This is the fundamental bug. (I left out some gory details for simplicity.)


Log4J 2.15 patches this to disable the remote lookups. log4j2.formatMsgNoLookups
If you have earlier versions of Log4J 2, you can disable the lookups by restarting Java with the above set to true.  Command line snippet: `-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true`
if you are using log4j version 1.x, you are in theory not vulnerable but 1.x is deprecated and you should upgrade (maybe later though :slightly_smiling_face: ).
If you have a later version of Java (essentially 8+), you might not be vulnerable to the above. Later versions of Java have some protections around remote code execution. In these later versions, however, it is possible that the remote connection still goes out which would of course notify the world that you are still partially vulnerable. You should still patch as soon as patches are available.

Detecting & Threat Hunting:

The easiest way to check for attack attempts is to look for jndi: in your logs (or If you are an ExtraHop user, your Records (essentially log lines generated by network traffic)).
This, however, will probably not detect all attack attempts; likely only the ones for well-understood and well-logged protocols. (ain't gonna catch someone exploiting your precious MineCraft server)
And it won't catch some of the weird variants shown in the first section.
ExtraHop is working on a detector to detect these variants in incoming traffic.
Another strategy is to look for outbound LDAP connections coming from the java servers under attack. Most attackers are not using the default port 389 for the LDAP connections so you have to find those LDAP connections if you can. ExtraHop is working on a way to find these connections easily.Another strategy is to detect the download of malicious .class files. ExtraHop has a detector that looks for first time downloads of binary files such as .class or .jar.A final strategy is to use any of the many TI feeds that are being compiled from upstream honeypot vendors to block commonly used attacker IP addresses. I would note that many attackers are using Tor to conduct their attacks. Merely blocking inbound Tor might help a little bit.

Final Thoughts:

This is still pretty fluid and I'm not 100% convinced that all the attack vectors are known. Probably they are, but there still could easily be corner cases.

I'm also not 100% convinced that log4j is the only offender here. Likely there are some lesser known java packages that have much the same behavior. You can bet the bad guys are investigating this right now.Your first priority is updating your Java infrastructure apps. Get the latest version of Log4j and  the latest version of Java that you can for the protections that java can enable.
Your best strategy is to use the detection techniques I mentioned above and keep a vigilant eye on your network, inbound and especially outbound connections.One of my really big worries is the amount of CI/CD and developer code that runs in Java (Jenkins, etc.) I worry greatly that outside attackers start setting up malware websites that use jndi: strings in an attempt to get backend servers to communicate to them (imagine the harm you could cause if you could get arbitrary jndi: content on or similar ).

Final Final Editorial Thoughts

I've been around awhile. I had a front-row seat in 2014 for Heartbleed and ShellShock. This vulnerability reminds me a lot of ShellShock. This will have a long tail.
Fundamental properties:
  • It's ubiquitous -- Log4j is in nearly every Java app that matters.
  • It's hard to detect vulnerable apps -- It's really not easy to tell what version of log4j all your apps are running. Even SBOM (software bill of materials) might not help you because it's quite likely the SBOM just says "ElasticSearch" or similar.
  • It's easy to attack -- Bad guys are scanning right now, but I can see other attacks in the future that are much more subtle. (see above)
  • It's relatively easy to evade -- I started in on evasion techniques above. A simple regex or yara rule is very hard to write to catch all attack attempts.
  • It involves outbound connections -- Most firewalls allow * outbound. This is unlikely to change in the near future.
That's all I have for now, thanks for reading. Stay safe.

Friday, March 29, 2019

Update to my Entropy slides

I've updated my entropy slides with some new information.

This deck has now been presented at OWASP, DakotaCon, BSides Seattle, ToorCamp, LinuxFest NW and maybe a couple of other places.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Entropy in Linux; what is it, what do we use it for?

Entropy is a tricky subject. It measures something, but what it measures is sometimes not quite clear. It's also not very clear how and when the linux kernel gathers entropy and how it uses it.
This talk is aimed at clearing up some of the ambiguities around entropy and explaining how things work internally. Additionally, we attempt to gauge how entropy is measured.

I've posted my slides from LinuxFest 2018.

I had a great tie at LinuxFest 2018. Thanks to all the organizers for putting together such a well-run conference. Thanks!

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Securing your internet privacy

On the 23rd of March 2017, the US Senate approved a bill that would allow internet service providers (ISPs) to sell information about your internet activity.
This coming week, the House will vote on the same measure.

I believe this is a very damaging act. Your internet activity should be private, just like your library card activity and your movie rental activity.

There are a few things you can do to protect your privacy from your ISP today. See below for more of my favorite general privacy and security links.

I always recommend using SSL/TLS as much as possible. Install the EFF's HTTPS Everywhere browser plugin. This is good but it will not completely blind your ISP as they will still see the IP address and domain names of who you are contacting.

For better protection, use a reputable VPN service. This is not too complex but it will cost you money. I'm still investigating my VPN options, so I'm reluctant to make a recommendation now. I'd prefer to set up a VPN on my home router so all my devices are protected when at home. I'd also like to have the VPN exit in Europe to get GDPR privacy protection.
Here are a few links to get you started:
ARS Technica's in-depth article on How to stop ISP's from selling your data.
The impossible task of creating a "best VPNs"list
TechRadar 10 best VPNs

Finally, here are some good general resources:

The Electronic Frontier Foundataion is a great resource for security and privacy. They do HTTPS Everywhere, Privacy Badger, and have the Surveillance Self Defense site.
You may want to consider using the Brave browser to help with ad-blocking.
Keep your browser and OS up-to-date.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

TSA keys are similar to Federal encryption backdoors

The TSA has long had master keys for each type of TSA padlock. Stolen keys have purportedly been available for some time, but someone used a picture of the TSA keys posted to the Washington Post to create 3d printable keys.

When any organization proposes that governments be allowed to have extra keys to citizen's encrypted traffic, this is exactly what we are going to get.

Any crypto system that has multiple keys is more vulnerable than a system that has one key.
And protecting keys is hard if you have to distribute them.

Microsoft Natural Keyboard

I've used this keyboard since 1999.
Today I took it apart and cleaned it up. I'm not going to show you pictures from before. But here are some shots after.

I ran the keys through the dishwasher. That cleaned them up nicely. The rest of the keyboard had to be wiped down by hand.
Pieces. The dishwasher cleaned up the keys nicely.

I'm hoping I can get a few more years out of this keyboard.